The Revue
The revue is a new concept quarterly burlesque show produced by Butterfly. This show is where seasoned performers and newer burlesque/ drag-lesque entertainers get to play and learn from one another. The show will be jam packed with performers bringing their biggest festival/ competition numbers and sharing them with the community, as well as a crazy, unpredictable improv aspect that will be fun and interactive for the entertainers and the audience.
Another exciting facet of this show is the “Peer review section” This section allows burlesque performers to workshop and run an act they are developing and get real in person critiques and upgrades. There will be 3 entertainers selected for peer reviews for each show” The google doc to sign up will be live August 10th.
Guest for August 29
Eileen Galvin
Maya Bizness
Commander sins
Scarlett Chaton
Free Entry